As a responsible property owner, you carry insurance to protect yourself against a loss as a result of damage to your home or business. The truth of the matter is the average homeowner or commercial insurance policy is laden with many stipulations and exclusions which could inhibit your ability to rely on your insurance when you need it most. There are some steps you can take to ensure you have the appropriate amount of coverage and are prepared to file a properly documented claim should the need arise. Here are a few things you can do to better protect yourself from a loss due to property damage.

First, you should maintain an inventory of your valuables and store it with any other important documents in a safe, secure location. Better still, with the advent of the internet and personal cloud storage, keep a digital copy of it saved in your iCloud or Google Drive account so it is always accessible. Any receipts or proofs of purchase for big ticket items such as furniture or computers should be kept alongside of this inventory as well, and if possible take digital photographs of these documents so they can also be stored in the cloud. Having this documentation readily accessible will go a long way in helping to recover the cost of these lost valuables in the event of property damage or destruction.
Once you have completed this vital record keeping, you should review your insurance policy in full to determine if there are any gaps in coverage or circumstances which would prevent your policy from protecting you from loss. These policies are filled with obtuse language and legal jargon, so in this situation it would be beneficial for you to call an experienced Public Adjuster to provide a review of your existing policy. At People’s Insurance Claim Center, we have decades of experience with homeowner and commercial policies here in South Florida, and we are familiar with all the tricks insurance companies try to sneak into their policies to absolve them of any liability should a claim arise. We are happy to provide complimentary policy reviews for our clients to ensure they have sufficient coverage, especially now that hurricane season is upon us. Call today at 305-956-3666 for your free policy review so you can rest easy knowing you have the appropriate amount of coverage to protect your property.
If your home or your business has suffered a loss, please call  our experts at (305) 956-3666 or visit for a FREE claim analysis with PICC.
We will make sure you get what you deserve from your insurance claim for your property damage